Locating a Leak

S’abonner Avatar Anthony Caplin
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A leak is best detected once a pipe location has been determined and without the Pulse Water Transmitter connected.


Spectrum Analysis Mode

Select the Spectrum Analysis Option

Within the Spectrum Analysis mode, you will be able to adjust the Gain and Band Pass filter to adjust any unwanted noise from your area of interest. The screen will display several bar graph responses consistent with the signal applied by the pulse water transmitter.

Move parallel along the identified pipe at regular intervals, every 1m to 2m without any changes to the Gain or Band Pass filter.

When moving along the located pipe there will be significantly more noise at a leakage area. High points of noise confirmed with high spectrum analysis readings, identify suspected leakage areas.

At these suspected leakage area(s) go into Locating mode.


Locating Mode

Set the ground microphone to the left of a suspected leak point about 1m away.

Click on column bar 01 to start taking a measurement.

There are 2 columns:

A thick column which is the underground sound, the thin column on the right represents an instantaneous noise. Also, there is a number at the top of the column which starts off Red which is displaying the signal value.

Wait for the average sound to stabilize, represented by the thick column, this takes a few seconds. Once stabilized press the column again and the reading will be locked in, the signal value at the top of the column will change from RED to WHITE.

Move the Ground microphone sensor to the right, towards the target and repeat the process. Eventually going past the suspected target.

You will build up several bars like the above chart, the pipe will be under the highest thick column.

Once this graph has been completed, you are able to export the image by pressing the Export button. This will save the image to the memory card. These images can be viewed when connecting the control unit to a PC.