NOTE: The Recording feature only allows for the recording of audio and will require an SD Card inserted into the unit.
Recording Audio
- Press Recording to start the audio recording Operation. Please note the Spectrum Analysis or Locate screens will not be displayed while recording please ensure the Gain, Band pass filter and volume are set correctly before recording.
- Press Stop to stop recording
- Press Refresh to update the File Browser
Managing your media Files
Connect to PC
- With the RD510 display unit switched on, Connect the control unit to a PC using the supplied USB-C cable.
- Press Connect PC.
- Using your PC File Explorer, open the attached RD510 control unit.
- Use your PC File Explorer to manage your audio recording files.
- Navigate to the folder PicSave to manage your image files created using the Locating Mode screen.

You can delete audio files or images from the unit in the list of files in the File Browse section:
For audio files, highlight a wave file from the list and press Delete.
For image files, open the PicSave folder, select the image file and press Delete.
A confirmation window will appear confirming you wish to delete the file, select OK to delete the file or press cancel to not delete the file and go back.
After recording an audio file, pressing Refresh will update the list of audio files in the Files Browse list.