When you run the App for the first time, or if you have logged out, you will need to Sign In using your Radiodetection Portal account login details.
You can obtain your login details from your manager/supervisor or company’s Radiodetection Portal administrator.
NOTE: Your account needs to be authorised to use the C.A.T Manager online. See the Setting up user privileges in the Radiodetection Portal guide.
Radiodetection Portal accounts can be created by registering at https://portal.radiodetection.com.
Registration is free. For further information on how to register and use the Radiodetection Portal account consult the Radiodetection Portal guide or copy and paste this link http://online.radiodetection.com/doclib/Radiodetection_Portal_User_Guide.pdf in your web browser.
NOTE: An active internet connection is required to login into you C.A.T Manager account.

- Enter your Username
If you share the device with other users or if you have different usernames you can use the Dropdown icon to select one of the 3 usernames used last
- Press the Next icon (Android) or Continue (iOS) at the bottom left of your keyboard
- Enter your Password
If required, you can press the Show text icon to be able to check your password
- Press the Done icon (Android) or Go (iOS) at the bottom left of your keyboard

- Press Sign In
- You will be required to change to a new password the first time you login into the C.A.T Manager system (mobile app or web)
Enter and confirm the new password and press CHANGE PASSWORD
Password rules:
Must not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed 3 consecutive characters
Must be at least 8 characters in length
Must contain at least 1 character from all of the following categories:
- English uppercase characters (A - Z)
- English lowercase characters (a - z)
- Base 10 digits (0 - 9)
- Non alphanumeric characters (for example, !, $, #,%)

- Read and ACCEPT the End User License Agreement

- Chose an Account and Contract, from the drop down boxes.
NOTE: Standard free account have no available selections. Professional and Enterprise accounts will show selections only if created by the company administrator.
The Account and Contract chosen will remain active until you change this selection and all the scans and survey uploaded will be associated to them.
- Press UPDATE to go to the main screen
WARNING: You will remain signed in even if you stop the C.A.T Manager app or reboot your device. You need to Sign out if you do share your device with other gC.A.T4 users.