Areas and Depots

Avatar Alberto Iaccarino
Updated : Created :
In this article



  1. Overview
  2. Creating an area
  3. Creating/Adding a depot to an area
  4. Edit an area or depot
  5. Delete an Area or Depot 


Subscribers to the Pro account can organise users in to areas and depots. This functionality aids filtering and reporting for field operators using the C.A.T Manager Online functionality.

NOTE: This functionality is only for the Pro account. For more information on how to subscribe contact your local Radiodetection sales representative or write to us at

This functionality is available for the company's main user and administrators. 

If available, you will be able to define 1 or more areas, and for each areas define 1 or more depots. 

Navigate to Account Management ► Company Areas & Depots



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 The Areas & Depots screen lets you manage your company’s areas and depots.

Creating an area

  1. Click on the Create an area button
  2. Enter the Area Name
  3. Enter an optional Description
  4. Select Create or Cancel

NOTE: Active Areas must have at least one active depot. When creating an Area, this will not be active until a depot has been created and made active.


Creating/Adding a depot to an area

  1. Identify the Area you want to add a Depot to


2. Click on the Create a depot button

3. Enter the Depot Name

4. Enter an optional Description

5. Choose Activate the depot

6. Select Create or Cancel

NOTE: Depots are created as inactive. To use a Depot you must activate it first.





You can use the Expand/Collapse button on the table header or on the areas rows to show or hide the Depots.


Edit an area or depot

  1. Identify the Area or Depot you want to edit
  2. Click on the Edit button and amend as required



  1. Activate or de-activate a Depot

    Depots are inactive when created. To start using one you must activate it first

    When activating a Depot the corresponding Area will be activated

    You can de-activate a Depot to prevent it being used if this has no associated active users

    If you de-activate the last active Depot the associated Area will be de-activated


  2. Press Save or Cancel

NOTE: An Active area must have at least one active Depot. If de-activating the last active Depot of an active Area, this will be de-activated as well. To de-activate an active Area you must de-activate all its Depots


Delete an Area or Depot

  1. Identify the Area or Depot you want to delete
  2. Click on the Delete button


   3. Press Delete or Cancel


NOTE: You cannot delete Areas with associated Depots. You cannot delete Depots if they have associated users.