C.A.T Operators Usage Overview Screen

Follow Avatar Alberto Iaccarino
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In this article



    1. Overview
    2. Tools, options and filters
    3. Summary window
    4. Overview Table







The C.A.T Operators Usage Overview screen has 3 different sections:


  • Tools, Options and Filters
  • Summary Window
  • Overview Table


Tools, options & filters.


This section provides a number of commands, options and filters to help review your company’s data.

Area, Depot, Account, Contract and Supervisor are only available on the Pro subscription.


Available commands are:

Command Description


  Clear filters
mceclip5.png   Export to CSV the raw data of the information shown in the overview        table
mceclip6.png   Download a PDF summary report of the data shown in the overview        table

Refresh to obtain the latest data from your C.A.T operators in the field

mceclip9.png   Hide this section


Pro users have the option to change the grouping of the table data:


Group by Area and Depot (default option)

or by Account and Contract

Show individual surveys summary
This option, selected by default, displays all the individual surveys, for each day, in the overview table.

A survey is a collection of scans, (C.A.T operations) to survey a specific location.




Filters provide a quick and easy way to narrow down usage data to a specific subset.


      • Filter by Areas, Depots, Contracts, Accounts and Supervisors (Pro subscription required)
      • Filter by C.A.T operators and C.A.T serial numbers
      • Filter by a Date range

The From - To date range cannot be empty

Filters are automatically applied when a selection is made and will affect all the others. For example, if you select a specific user all the other filters will only show values available to that specific user.

To reset the filters press the Clear filter button.

NOTE: When opening the dashboard screen the date filter range is set to the current date: the overview table and the filters may be empty if no C.A.T usage is available for the day.




Summary Window


The summary window becomes active when hovering with your mouse over the C.A.T data in the overview table below and shows the scans summary of the day or survey highlighted in yellow.


You can lock a specific survey by clicking anywhere on the desired row which will turn partially orange.


To unlock click again on the highlighted row.

Usage Overview Table



Overview Table

The overview table shows the data available for the applied filters, grouped by users and C.A.T SN.

NOTE: When you first access the dashboard, the date range filter is set to today’s date. 

The overview table provides the following information: 

Icon Description

Survey number for a specific day
Shown when the overview shows a surveys summary

Daily or Survey Scans count

Daily or Survey Average scan duration*
Mathematical scan average duration for the scans in that day or survey

Daily or Survey 'Swing Warnings' count
Daily or Survey overall duration*
How long the C.A.T was used in that day or survey
Genny duration*
How long the C.A.T was used in Genny mode in that day or survey

Power duration*
How long the C.A.T was used in Power mode in that day or survey
Radio duration*
How long the C.A.T was used in Radio mode in that day or survey
Avoidance duration*
How long the C.A.T was used in Avoidance mode in that day or survey
Low Frequency Genny signal duration*
How long the C.A.T has detected a low frequency Genny signal with a strength greater than 10% of full scale on the display - Avoidance and Genny mode only.
High Frequency Genny signal duration*
How long the C.A.T has detected a high frequency Genny signal with a strength greater than 10% of full scale on the display - Avoidance and Genny mode only


* Measured in hh:mm:ss