Using the Scans Overview screen

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  1. Overview
  2. Navigate using the map Icons
  3. Navigate using the Scans Table


When the Scans overview screen is accessed, the Map screen shows all the surveys conducted by the user on that day. The surveys are represented by yellow icons.

All individual scans are colour banded into surveys in the scans table.

Navigate using the map Icons:

  1. Click on any survey’s icon to show all the associated scans.

    Scans are identified by icons coloured in their predominant mode

  2. Use the Google’s maps commands to switch from a map to a satellite picture, zoom in and out or to switch to Street View

  3. Hover with a mouse on any icons on the map to see information about the scans associated with it.
  4. The correspondent row in the scans table is highlighted in yellow.

  5. Left-click on any icons on the map to lock the scans on the map and overview table (row is highlighted in orange).

  6. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll through the icons.

  7. Press on the Centre Map button to move the icon to the centre of the map.

  8. Press on the Reset to Day View survey to zoom out and show all the icons associated with the survey

  9. Press on the Reset to Surveys View to zoom out and show all the surveys


 Navigate using the scans table:

To use the Scans Overview screen using the scans table Icons:

  1. Hover your mouse on the table area
    • The survey underneath is selected and changes colour to light blue (Survey 2 in the example below)

    • The Survey summary displays a detailed overview of the survey highlighted
    • The map shows the area where the survey took place. This is represented by a yellow icon, positioned in the average point of all the scans locations

  2. Click once on any scan (row) to select it:

    • The selected scan will turn yellow
    • The Scan summary will display a detailed overview of the survey
    • The map will show the average location point as an icon, showing the scan number and route followed, coloured as for the predominant C.A.T mode (Genny, Power, Radio or Avoidance) for that scan operation.

  3. Click again on the row to lock the scan and icon:

    • The selected scan will turn orange

  4. Press on the Centre Map button to move the icon to the centre of the map

  5. Unlock the scan by clicking again on the scan highlighted in orange or by pressing on the Reset to Day View survey.