C.A.T Manager Permissions

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When using the C.A.T Manager mobile app on Android devices for the first time or after re installing the app, certain permissions will need to be accepted before being able to use the app.

Please follow the steps below:

Open the app and sign in

  • Please note, you will need to have created a C.A.T Manager account on the Radiodetection portal and be enabled to use the app before being able to sign in

Select Save for Standard account or populate Account and Contract if you have a Pro account

You will now be presented with the screen below

  • Select NOTIFICATIONS and select 'Allow'
  • Select LOCATION and select 'While using the app'
  • Select BACKGROUND - then Permissions, followed by Location.  Now select 'Allow all the time'

Press the back button 3 times to get back to the C.A.T Manager Permissions page

  • Select BLUETOOTH and select 'Allow'

With all the permissions completed, you will now be able to use the C.A.T Manager app.