In the field

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Can I save points internally with RTK corrections?

Yes, but still need a Bluetooth correction feeding RTCM data from an NTRIP Client.

How much data does RTK use?

It varies a range of less than 1 kilobytes per second to 5 kilobytes per second (or roughly two megabytes per hour to twenty megabytes per hour). Usage rates can be lower or higher, however. The VRS network and the amount t of satellites that are being corrected (as well as other factors) will impact this rate.

Why is the area that I am mapping not lining up accurately with basemap satellite imagery?

There is more than one reason for this to happen. If the distances are relatively small, there’s probably no reason to worry. A likely reason is that the coordinate planes of the basemap imagery is different from the coordinate system of the GPS receiver (usually 3ft to 4ft off). There are areas that can also be difficult to relay imagery onto as the image is taking a three-dimensional earth plane and transposing it onto a two-dimensional plane.

How do I obtain better accuracy?

The RD8200SG GNSS Receiver will automatically look for differential correction services (DGPS) that can achieve sub-meter accuracy, depending on conditions. With the incorporation of an RTK service provider, localized real time corrections can help to obtain survey grade accuracy.

Do I need internet access?

It depends on the required accuracy. SBAS corrections are done via satellite (no internet) and usually provide around 1m/3ft accuracy, depending on conditions. For more accurate reading, an internet connection is required.

What does the green LED light indicate?

The green LED light informs you of the status of your RTK connection.


RTK fix means the GNSS accuracy is in the highest precision mode and is suitable for taking points
The exact accuracy can be found on the mobile app (app dependent).
This is visualized on the locator with a solid LED just above the screen.


RTK Float

RTK float means that it is using correction data, but has not moved to the highest precision mode yet. Only take points in Float when Fix cannot be obtained. The exact accuracy can be found on the mobile app (app dependent).
This is visualized on the locator with a flashing LED just above the screen.



The RD8200SG is not using correction data. This could indicate an error in the NTRIP settings.
The LED above the screen is off.


How do I see what my accuracy is?

Accuracy is usually displayed on the mobile app.

Using the PointMan app it will be displayed on the screen. 

Example only, units can be changed to metric in the app

The RD8200SG locator has an LED light to indicate the RTK status

  • Solid – RTK fix

RTK fix means it is in the highest precision mode.

  • Flashing – RTK float

RTK float means that it is using correction data but has not moved to the highest precision mode yet.

  • Off – all other conditions

The RD8200SG is not using correction data. This usually means there is an error in the NTRIP settings.