You can use the PCM Manager Account screen, to manage your account.
From here you will be able to edit your details, delete your account, and register your Precision Locate product to benefit for 2 years extended warranty and to communicate with Radiodetection.

The Account screen is only available once you have successfully signed in to your account. This is divided into 3 windows:
Home: Use this window to manage your PCM Manager account.
Messages: Use this window to communicate with us.
Extended Warranty: Use this window to register your locator and transmitters products to extend your standard 1 year warranty to a total of 3 years.
Home screen
The Home screen provides the ability to manage your PCM Manager account.
Available command.
Edit User Details: Allows you to amend your personal information and your notifications preferences.
Privacy Statement: Gives you access to the Radiodetection Privacy Statement in PDF format.
Delete My Account: Allows you to delete your account from our database.
CAUTION! deleting your account cannot be undone.