Survey Measurements 8K1

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This article describes how to retrieve Survey Measurement records logs from your PCMx, when used in RD8100 mode.

Survey Measurements window

Survey Measurements window

Survey Measurements Window

The PCMx locator, when used in RD8100 mode, has the ability to store up to 1000 Survey Measurements into its internal, non-removable, storage.

The Survey Measurements 8K1 window, lets you retrieve, import, review and export (into various file format) survey information.

Available commands:

  • Read: Transfers all the RD8100 Survey Measurements available in the connected locator.
  • Delete: Deletes the currently selected survey logs from the PC.
  • Reference: Set the survey reference for the currently selected surveys.
  • Export (x): Exports the currently selected Survey Measurements to either CSV,XLS,XLSX or KML format. The number in brackets is the number of selected rows.
  • KML Options: Modify KML output options.
  • SN Filter: Serial Number filter.
  • Field Chooser: Use this to select and organize the Survey Measurements.

Importing 8K1 Survey Measurements

Internal Survey Measurements

To retrieve internal Survey Measurements from your PCMx locator follow these steps:

  1. Ensure your locator is off.
  2. Start the PCM Manager program.
  3. Connect the locator using the USB 2.0 lead.
  4. Turn on the locator.
  5. Select the Survey Measurements tab.
  6. Press Read.
  7. Enter Survey Details in the Survey Details window.

If you are using a locator equipped with internal automatic logging you will only be asked to enter a description of the survey (maximum 50 characters).

The dialog box provides the user with the option of deleting the survey data from the locator after a successful upload of the data. 

New survey measurements will be appended to the end of the Survey Measurements record. 


Deleting Survey Measurements from your locator without using PCM Manager

Survey Measurements can be manually deleted from the locator’s memory, once they have been transferred into PCM Manager.

To delete your Survey Measurements follow these steps on your locator:

CAUTION deleting measurements cannot be undone.

  1. Press the  key to enter the menu.
  2. Press the or keys to select DATA menu.
  3. Press the key to enter the DATA menu.
  4. Press the orkeys to select DEL menu.
  5. Press the key to enter the DEL options menu.
  6. Press the or keys to select YES.
  7. Press the key to make the selection and return to the main menu.

Reviewing 8K1 Survey Measurements

Use the Locator Selector pull down menu, to select Survey Measurements belonging to a specific unit.

PCMx locator serial numbers, printed on the label next to the battery compartment, are used to catalog and store 8K1 Survey Measurements in PCM Manager.

The Locator Selector menu will display the serial numbers of units previously connected. Selecting a unit will display the existing survey measurements for that unit.

Serial number filter

If you use PCM Manager to manage a large number of locators you may find useful to filter the serial number: press SN Filter, to access the Serial Number Filter window.

You can use this text filter to reduce the number of serial numbers (different locators) displayed by the Locator Selector menu.

To use the Serial Number Filter:

  1. Press SN Filter.
  2. Enter your filter string into the Serial Number Filter box.
  3. Press Apply to enable the filter or Cancel to exit.

Once applied the filter string will be displayed alongside the SN Filter button.

To remove the Serial Number Filter:

  1. Press the red X box next to the filter string.

Only those Serial Numbers which match the filter string will appear in the Locators Selector menu. For example:

Survey reference

To add or modify a reference associated with a range of surveys, follow these steps:

  1. Select the surveys range.
  2. Press Reference.
  3. Add or edit the Reference text.
  4. Press the green box to apply your changes or click anywhere else on the screen to exit.

Export 8K1 Survey Measurements

Perform the following steps to export Survey Measurements data:

  1. Select the 8K1 Survey Measurements tab.
  2. Select the required unit.
  3. Select the data rows you wish to export or press the Select All button.

NOTE: only highlighted rows will be exported

  1. Press the Export button.
  2. Select a filename format: Serial Number, Date or Date + Serial Number
  3. Select either Export to CSV/XLS or Export to KML.
  4. Choose your destination folder and file name.
  5. Press Save.

NOTE: Survey data where there is no GPS information will not be exported to KML.

NOTE: If the application associated with either of the export file types exists on your PC, then it will automatically display the file after export is complete.

KML Options

You can customize the KML output data by selecting KML Options.