Software Update Screen

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This section describes how to update your PCMx locator software.

Software Update Screen

Software Update Screen

Once signed on in your account you can use PCM Manager to update your locator to the latest software.

Radiodetection recommends keeping your locators up-to-date with the latest software.

Software upgrades offer enhanced performance and are free to download.

Updating your locator

To perform a software upgrade of your locator:

  1. Ensure your locator is off.
  2. Start the PCM Manager program.
  3. Sign-in.
  4. Check that your PC software is up-to-date. 
  5. Connect the locator using the USB Cable.
  6. Turn On the locator.
  7. Select the Software Update tab. The software update screen will show your locator current software and the one available on your PC. 

  1. Press the Write button.

NOTE: The 'Write' button is only active if software update is possible.