Currently the CAT Manager online web portal may not function correctly on mobile devices or tablets with a screen size of less then 7".
Occasionally a tablet or mobile device may have a screen size of 7" or above and yet it may still be difficult to access many of the features available on the web page.
If you sign in to the C.A.T Manager Online web portal through an internet web browser such as Google Chrome on a tablet or other mobile device, you may be presented with portrait view of the portal as shown, but not be able to navigate to the many features that are available on the site.
The following steps may help to overcome this;
Step 1
- Set the screen to Auto-rotate so that the web portal can be viewed in Landscape view. Allowing access to all the features of the web portal.
Step 2
- It may also be necessary to reduce the font size on your device to small, normal or medium via the device's Settings, Display.
The CAT Manager Online web portal should then be presented as below allowing full access to its features.