Managing survey measurements

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In this article

 To access survey measurements, transferred from a locator:

  1. Select Locator data,


The survey measurements browser shows all survey measurements transferred from a locator, organized by locator serial number and sorted oldest to newest

Survey measurements records with position information are identified by the symbol


while records without position information are identified by:the symbol


 Creating a new job

To create a new job:


  1. Select the survey measurements with position information you want to add to a job

NOTE: Only measurements with position information will be added to the new job.


a green mceclip2.png will appear next to each measurement selected

  1. Select the measurement again if you wish to deselect
  2. Once you have completed your selection press Add data to new job

  1. Fill the job details as required
  2. Select Next

The job’s survey will be created and loaded up


Deleting survey measurements from RD MAP

 WARNING! Erasing measurements cannot be undone! Proceed with caution!

To delete survey measurements:

  1. Select the survey measurements you want to delete
  2. Select the measurement again if you wish to deselect
  3. For convenience you can use the Select all or Cancel functions mceclip1.png
  4. Once you have completed your selection press Delete mceclip2.png
  5. Confirm you want to delete the survey measurements

 NOTE: RD Map will not delete the survey measurements from the locator