RD Map Google Maps screen

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RD Map utilizes Google Maps to display your survey measurements.

RD Map will not work properly if your mobile device is not connected to the internet or if you are in a country where Google Maps is not available.

RD Map requires access to your Android device location. The first time a new job is started and the Google Maps screen loaded, RD Map will request for authorize this:

  1. Select ALLOW


CAUTION: RD Map will impact your mobile data usage. This may be become very expensive if you are using data outside your allowance of if you are roaming.


The Google Maps screen provides the following commands and elements:

  • Navigation Drawer
    Gives access to the Map controls and application’s settings
  • Map Type
    Select this to change the map used
  • Center
    Centers the map around your mobile device estimated location
  • My Location icon
    Shows your mobile device estimated location

By default RD Map will be tracking your position (track me function) as reported by your mobile device. The screen will automatically center to your location every 10 seconds.

To disable or enable this function:

  1. Select Stop tracking / Start tracking in the map controls