The RD8200 locator provides automatic depth of buried cables, pipes and sondes and when the locator is correctly orientated above the target line or sonde.
Current readings are also displayed simultaneously if the locator is orientated correctly (feature not available in sonde or passive frequency modes).
Depth and current readings are automatically displayed simultaneously, but if the locator is not correctly orientated neither reading will be displayed.
Depth range and accuracy vary depending on the makeup and type of target utility (e.g. cable, pipe or sonde), its depth and external environmental factors like electromagnetic noise, ground conditions and interference.
WARNING! The accuracy of depth measurement is subject to a number of factors and is meant as a guide only. Never use the depth measurement to define mechanical digging depths. Always follow local safe digging guidelines.
The depth measurement is to the center of the pipe, cable or sonde. The best readings are typically detected from ‘active’ signals output by a transmitter rather than from passive sources.
The RD8200 locator is capable of determining cable depth when locating some passive power signals. However passive signals on lines are less suited for measuring depth because accuracy can be compromized by interference- e.g due to the passive signal being present on more than one line.
WARNING! Do not make depth measurements near bends or tees in the line. Go at least 5m (16ft) from a bend for best accuracy.
TruDepth for buried conductors or sondes
TruDepth and Compass
It is important to note that the RD8200 locator will only display depth and current (in applicable modes) when the locator is correctly orientated above the target line, cable or sonde. To ensure the locator is correctly orientated, use the Compass feature.
When locating lines, make sure the Compass display is in the North / South orientation position.
When locating sondes, make sure the Compass display is in the East / West orientation.

Taking a depth reading
To minimize signal distortion, do not apply the signal by induction. If Direct Connection or signal clamping is not possible, place the transmitter in induction at least 15m (50ft) from the point of any depth measurements.
Depth measurements may not be accurate if there is audible interference or if part of the transmitter signal has coupled to a nearby line.
Confirming the Peak position coincides with a Null position indicates that the position is suitable for making a depth estimate.

Depth readings
- Pinpoint the target line accurately with the locator.
- Check the locator is directly over the line, the antennas are at right angles to it and the locator is vertical. Adjust the sensitivity level to bring the bar graph indication to approximately 50%.
If the ground appears to radiate a strong field, perhaps near a radio station, check depth by holding the bottom of the antenna 50mm (2”) above the ground and subtract this reading from the indicated depth.