About the eCert Tab
This screen allows you to perform an eCert on your C.A.T4. After performing a successful eCert, you will be able to print an eCert Certificate of Calibration.
You will also be able to retrieve and print a copy of the unit’s last valid Factory Certificate of Calibration.
NOTE: This screen will only become available if you successfully register and sign in. Your C.A.T Manager account must have eCert credits available to run an eCert Calibration. These need to be obtained from Radiodetection prior to performing an eCert Calibration, - see ‘User Accounts.’
Retrieve Factory Certificate
Retrieves the latest Factory Calibration data. The data retrieved can then be used to recreate a copy of the latest Factory Certificate of Calibration.
Run eCert
Performs an eCert Calibration on the connected C.A.T4. Following an eCert test pass, a Radiodetection Calibration Certificate can be printed or saved.
Print Certificate
Prints either the Factory Certificate of Calibration or eCert Calibration Certificate depending on the item selected in the window.
Deletes the certificate selected in the window.
Double-click on any Factory Calibration or eCert Validation to view a copy of the details.
Display Options
You can filter which unit serial numbers appear in the data window by typing all or part of the unit serial number. Only those Serial Numbers which match will appear in the data window.
How to Perform an eCert Test
Before performing an eCert, ensure that the C.A.T4 to be tested is not in close proximity to sources of electrical interference (e.g. PC, monitor, mobile phone) or large metallic objects, and that any Gennys or other signal transmitters in the vicinity are switched off.
Perform the following steps to perform an eCert Calibration
- Run the C.A.T Manager program
- Connect the C.A.T4 via USB Cable
- Sign In
- Select the eCert tab
- Press the Run eCert button
- Enter the details of the user/technician performing the eCert in the window below
- The eCert Terms and Conditions appear in a popup dialog. To accept the terms and continue with eCert, press the Accept Button.
- The eCert Calibration result will automatically appear in your default web browser.
NOTE: To perform an eCert, you need to have eCert credits available on your C.A.T4 manager account. These can be purchased by contacting Radiodetection or a Radiodetection Approved Distributor. The number of available eCert credits is shown in the eCert screen. You will only be charged an eCert credit if the eCert Calibration is successful.
After performing the eCert, the Serial Number of the connected C.A.T4 will appear in the Serial Number Search box and only the eCert / Factory Calibration history for the connected unit will appear in the data window, including the latest eCert Calibration Certificate.
Once the data is retrieved, eCert Calibration Certificates can be viewed (and printed) at any time by selecting the timestamp in the data window, and then either double-clicking the entry, pressing the Print Certificate button on the toolbar or right–clicking the mouse and selecting Print Certificate.
If eCert fails, C.A.T Manager produces an eCert Failure Report which can be printed and returned to a Radiodetection Service Centre along with the faulty C.A.T4.
In the event of failure, first check that the C.A.T4 to be tested is not in close proximity to sources of electrical interference (e.g. PC, monitor, mobile phone) or large metallic objects and that any Gennys or other signal transmitters in the vicinity are switched off.