- Overview
- Overview Table
To navigate to the Scans overview screen, you must first select the survey you want to analyse:
click with your mouse on the desired survey and then press the 'right pointing arrow'.

The C.A.T Scans Overview screen has 4 different sections:

Command |
Action |
Return to previous screen |
Export Data as CSV file |
Generate a PDF report for a specific Survey |

The header section identifies the date shown, the C.A.T operator the locator’s serial number, and Area and Depot (Pro only).
The summary section is divided into 3 different areas; these are (from left to right): Survey, Scan and Map. The map links the survey and/or scan under observation to a specific location.
Survey Scan Map
NOTE: The map function is only available for gC.A.T4 locators if they had a valid GPS position at the time of the scan and/or paired to a mobile device running C.A.T Manager mobile app, where the Location mode is enabled.
Overview Table

The Overview table provides a detailed view of all surveys conducted and distinct scans associated to them.
Surveys are colour banded, alternating blue and grey. All the scans associated to a specific survey are displayed with the same colour.
This section provides the following commands, used to edit surveys:
Command |
Action |
See previous day (active if available) |

See next day (active if available)
Cancel edit operation |

Merge Scans
The overview table provides the following information:
* Measured in hh:mm:ss